ABSORBS filter

An advanced secondary performance natural treatment and dispersal system that delivers the smallest footprint, lowest cost and most environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment solution available in Australia today.

An excellent choice for sites with variable flows

The ABSORBS™ wastewater treatment system is a proprietary system that has been tested against AS1546.3:2017 Secondary Treatment Systems and has received SAI Global certification enabling it to be installed as a secondary treatment system across Australia.

This system has been installed for a decentralised public restroom through to a 275 kL mining camp with medium risk reuse. The installation of a system requires site-specific engineering and design. Prior to the ABSORBS™ filter, a septic tank and pump chamber are necessary.

The ABSORBS™ has the smallest dispersal footprint of any system. This is because it can achieve higher treatment quality than many treatment systems (such as Aerated Wastewater Treatment System: AWTS). Indeed, sand filters as reported in AS/NZS 1547:2000 (4.2 C5.1) are capable of treatment to 10 mg/L of BOD5 and 10 mg/L of SS against the recognised performance of most proprietary AWTS’s of 20 mg/L of BOD5 and 30 mg/L of SS. Another significant benefit is that turf can be planted over the filter, helping the system blend into the landscape.


The ABSORBS™ aerobic bottomless sand filter discharge control bed operates on a natural aeration dynamic from mass exchange of atmospheric oxygen into the soil/filter.

The entire system is effectively passive once discharged through the pump. If there is no water produced the system remains in stand-by and is ready for service at any time without adverse performance impacts.

This makes the ABSORBS™ an excellent choice for sites with variable flows such as holiday homes or Cellar Doors. No chemicals are used in the system as both the secondary treatment and dispersal train are completely sub-surface.

The small footprint in combination with the capacity to handle variable flows and difficult soil types makes the ABSORBS™ a versatile, highly effective treatment and dispersal option. The ABSORBS™  filter can be installed in most states and a lines and unlined version. In the case of the unlined version, the advanced secondary treatment of the ABSORBS™ is combined with the dispersal system requiring one lot of infrastructure. In the case of the lined version, it enables he capture of advanced secondary treatment for beneficial reuse including but not limited to, open-space irrigation and other amenity irrigation.


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+61 409 840 515


Tim Woods

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