Our Work

The Hydroscape approach to wastewater management is to evaluate the most appropriate and responsible long term solution for your site.

Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Hydroscape actively work with our clients to ensure they obtain the treatment system that suits their needs for treated water quality, capital budget, installation footprint, and operational requirements. Whatever the water treatment issue, we will work with you to find a workable and sustainable solution.

ABSORBS™ BioDrain System

The ABSORBS™ BioDrain system is an innovative method that amalgamates a number of recognised ‘best practice’ design, distribution and dispersal techniques. Read more >

ABSORBS™ filter

An advanced natural treatment and dispersal system designed specifically for difficult sites in Category 1-3 soils. The installation requires site-specific engineering and design. Read more >

Rhizopod System

For difficult sites where soil types, set-back distances, or a limited available footprint has meant that other systems are not practical. Read more >

Pressure Dosed Alternating Infiltration Trenching System

An improved version of the conventional trench system, these involve a number of trenches being installed for the dispersal of the treated effluent. The top of the trench is typically planted with a lawn grass which uses some of the treated water for evapotranspiration. Read more >

ETA Trenches

A viable alternative for heavier or clayey soils, ETA trenches exploit three natural water removing dynamics by way of sub-surface infiltration of effluent into the soil, evaporation from solar and wind influences and transpiration by plants to assimilate nutrients into plant biomass and remove the hydraulic load. Read more >

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+61 409 840 515


Tim Woods

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